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Democracy in Action

Living in a democracy comes with inherent privileges—and responsibilities. Smith students, faculty, staff, and alums are living up to the expectations of a democratic society in numerous ways, from leading a get-out-the-vote effort to serving in public office, from debating the big issues of the day to teaching about the electoral process. Here, learn how members of the Smith community are participating fully in our democracy as informed and engaged citizens. 

Make sure you are registered to vote. Learn more about the deadlines in your state, how to get involved, and more.

“I firmly believe that education is key to the strength of our democracy. An educated and informed citizenry is the best hope we have for creating a more inclusive and just world.”
President Sarah Willie-LeBreton

Upcoming Events

Calling in for Human Rights and Democracy: A Consideration of Project 2025

Monday, Sept. 30, 4:30 p.m., Stoddard Auditorium

We’re in a political season when the ideas and opinions of young people matter like never before. Join us for an exciting conversation about what’s at stake and what you can do to make sure your voice is heard. Featuring Smith professors Loretta Ross, MacArthur "Genius" Fellow; Carrie Baker, Ph.D., J.D.; and the Smith Roundtable Group. You do not want to miss this. All are welcome.

Vice Presidential Debate Viewing Event, Hosted by Government Department

Tuesday, Oct. 1, 8:30 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Join the faculty of the Department of Government for a vice presidential debate viewing party in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room. Light refreshments will be served.

Shaping Our Democracy

Democracy in Action

Using Your Voice

President Sarah Willie-LeBreton on the value of voting.

  • Democracy in Action
  • September 16, 2024
Sarah Willie-LeBreton smiling outdoors in front of College Hall. Square cropped photo, close-up.
Democracy in Action

The Power of Women Voters

Democratic pollster Celinda Lake ’75 shares insights on the presidential race.

  • Democracy in Action
  • September 4, 2024
Democracy in Action

Elections in the Age of AI

Two professors weigh in on how AI is altering the election process.

  • Democracy in Action
  • July 17, 2024

Smith Votes

Smith Votes boosts civic engagement on campus by helping students register to vote, learn about candidates and issues, and become more involved in local, state, and national elections. 

Smith Votes is a partnership between the Student Government Association, the President’s Office, the Office of Student Engagement, the Wurtele Center for Leadership, and the Jandon Center for Community Engagement.